Leadership In Action

A Truly Special Experience 
For Your child

Leadership, Premier & Black Belt Training Student Parents this is a tremendous opportunity to have your kids instructed by one of the leading groups in this country. We have teamed up with RISE, one of America's leaders in life skill and martial arts skill development, to bring your kids a one of a kind training experience. In this 3 hours of training, the principals of martial arts will be extended into the arena of life. Your child will be taught the true importance of fitness and how a fit lifestyle leads to better decision making and productivity in life. Your child will dive into the critical skills of financial literacy and they will learn ​​entrepreneurial thought and how this can serve them throughout their life.

We want to pack out this class, so that our students may benefit.  We are offering a flash sale for the Leadership In Action Workshops Through Wednesday at 8pm of $65 . 

 That is three hours of life changing information.  It will be a unique experience that will make a true difference in your child's development.  We are proud to bring you this true true value add for our most senior students!

Leadership In Action

Sr. Master Reid discusses this Saturdays 8/10/24 9am-12pm workshop for kids and why it is so very important for Leadership & Premier Program kids to be in attendance!